Frequently Asked Questions

  • CCCT are always happy to welcome new members.

    You maybe interested in showing your cats, or breeding your cats, and for both of these hobbies, you need to become a member with a registered cat organisation in Tasmania.

    Our membership form can be found on the “documents” page on this website. We will need you to tell us a bit about yourself, the breed of cat your are interested in, and fill in the form, then submit. You don’t need to make a payment, until our secretary has advised that your membership has been accepted. If you are known to some of our members, you can ask them to sign the form on your behalf, but if you don’t know anyone, you can reach out to our committee, and ask as many questions as you like, and they can then speak on your behalf at the next committee meeting.

  • Our bank details are on the “payment” page of the website.

    You can make a payment via direct debit, or the old fashioned way, with a cheque. When paying by direct debit, a copy of the payment must accompany your documents by email to our Registrar.

    When paying by cheque, the physical cheque must accompany the documents by mail to our Registrar.

    When submitting paperwork to our Registrar, you must always include a summary sheet. This can be found on the “Documents” page. This enables us to see what the breakdown of your payment is, when one lump sum goes into the account.

    The forms on our website are quite self explanatory, but if you are unsure, please reach out by email to our committee, as we are always happy to answer any questions you may have.